Batty Bobby: Rating: Three stars In Hindi cinema, “paagal” means characters dressed in tatters, laughing hysterically, so in a sense, Judgementall Hai Kya is different, in that it tackles the complexities of…
Foggy Memories: Kamlesh Mota’s new Gujarati play, Dhummas (Fog), written by Anshumali Ruparel, is described as “an emotional thriller” which must be a term coined for Gujarati theatre, like “social comedy,” but…
Guns And Poses: Rating: * 1/2 Family Of Thakurganj is one of those films that collects good actors who can speak like UP-wallas, gets them to Lucknow, and hopes a script…
Chronicle Of A Death: Laila Lalami’s The Other Americans is written with an understated sense of the dramatic—a sudden death and the impact on people around, opens up like one of those toys…
The issue of sexual harassment in not confined to North India, but going by news reports coming out regularly, it is not for nothing that Delhi is known as the…
Teacher’s Pets: **1/2 The key line in Super 30, repeated often, is that the time when only a king’s son could become king has passed, now only the deserving gets…
As The Crow Flies: A materialistic western society is taken up by Mary Kondo, who teaches people how to unclutter and simplify their lives. The idea is not new; almost…
Over The Rainbow: Who could have imagined that a photo of Judy Garland and Maud Gage Baum sitting together on a film set, would trigger this wonderful book, Finding Dorothy, by…
Soggy Romance: Rating: ** The male lead of Mangesh Hadawale’s Malaal is the bad boy of a Mumbai chawl, which, in a film set in the late Nineties, with its heart caught…
Mumbai has an overactive theatre scene, but most groups suffer from a severe shortage of funding, which then results in working around available—and often inadequate– resources. Which is why, when Aadyam was…