A Friend Indeed: One of the most moving moments in the stage production Mahabharat: The Epic Tale, has Duryodhan, reviled as a villain in the epic, taking up for Karan,…
After doing theatre through school and college, when Atul Satya Koushik applied to the National School of Drama he was rejected and told he could not do theatre (due to a slight physical disability).…
Kolkata Chronicle: Delhi-based theatre producer, director and writer, Atul Satya Koushik has been bringing his productions to Mumbai regularly. His plays, belonging to diverse genres from mythologicals to comedies and…
Squirrel On The Go: Shaili Sathyu and her Gillo Team is getting ready to get on to their Natak Bus and travelling to parts of Maharashtra—the group’s second such tour,…
Deadly Funny: In India, funeral rituals are solemn affairs, and anyone who dares laugh would probably be socially boycotted. In the UK, of course nothing is sacred as far as…
Dead Man Laughing: The Gujarati production Aane Bhi Do Yaaro is the funniest play seen in recent times, and that’s saying a lot because there are so many comedies produced in…
Wicked Women: In common usage, the word chudail describes an aggressive or quarrelsome woman—could be said to be the Indian equivalent of bitch. But the origins of the chudail (often…
As a child, Kamlesh Mota auditioned for a school play, and expressed the intention of taking up theatre. His mother took him to the Bhangwadi Theatre in south Mumbai (a venue, now defunct,…
Bridezilla Strikes: There can be no wedding in our country, without high stress and drama, some of which playwright-director Veena Bakshi has captured with humour in Ank’s production of Hamari Neeta Ki Shaadi.…
The Girl Who Came To Dinner: No matter how liberal a family may be, when the possibility of a son or daughter choosing a partner from outside the community comes…