Who Will Judge The Judge?: The first season of Your Honor (2020) was based on an Israeli series Kvodo, a fast-paced, emotion-charged show about a judge, who breaks some rules to save his…
Web Series Review
Hell On Earth: Dystopia is not that far into the future—we are living in survival-of-the fittest times. Korean writer-director Hwang Dong-hyuk turns human fear, greed and gambling instinct into a terrifying nine-part…
The Martins Still Rock: If comedy legends like Steve Martin and Martin Short are in a series together, it is undoubtedly worth a look; and a glimpse of the trailer…
Finance For Dummies: Coming from Nigeria is a romcom series (Netflix), titled The Smart Money Woman, based on the novel by Arese Ugwu, who also created the show. The foundation…
The Mugging Game: In India, if a middle-class kid gets good marks in school, parents and extended family start dreaming of IIT, medicine, or these days, an MBA degree, as…
Poisoned Sweets: With a glut of OTT content to choose from, the viewer often picks one with known actors or a famous director. The presence of Ronit Roy and Richa…