This exchange really took place. At a dinner in the Beverley Hills home of Benedict Bogeaus, junkyard dealer turned movie producer, he declared to his showbiz guests, “We have a woman…
This is a moment to remember! A prince expresses his love to a commoner and proposes marriage, and she turns him down. She wants to make her own place in…
The world is watching in horror as the Taliban take over Afghanistan once again — the deaths, the exodus and worst of all, the tragic fact that women will be…
Before the corona virus sent the world reeling, Christina Sweeney-Baird had written a somewhat prescient book about a similarly vicious virus let loose across the globe, the difference being that…
Imagine a scenario in an Indian police station, where a young woman has gone to report a rape. The first thing she will go through is a visual sweep of…
More often than not, when cases of workplace sexual harassment make it to the news, they are from high-profile professions like films, fashion or media. But women in ordinary jobs,…
At some point in the march of the women’s movement, the word ‘housewife’ became politically incorrect and was replaced by ‘homemaker’. Women who did not have careers, or rather,…
The first collection of humour by women that came out in 1976 was called Titters. Because well-bred women did not laugh loudly in polite company, they put their hands over their…
“I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves.” Mary Wollstonecraft encapsulated the essence of feminism in these words, before the term was even coined. The…
No matter how many times you see it, the scene when a green Thunderbird soars into a canyon taking the two women in it to certain death, the eyes mist…