There was a short story, read long ago, in which a woman wants to take up a job. She gets one to run a crèche, so she has to hire…
Recently, there was a show of a play called Pink Sari Revolution, directed by the London-based Suba Das, written by Purva Naresh, based on the book by Amana Fontanella-Khan. Made one wonder…
There are so many ads that are offensive to women, that show them as weak, indecisive, vain or silly. There are protests against some—mostly the brazenly sexist ones—but soon it’s…
Earlier this year, Glenn Close, won a Golden Globe Award for her performance in The Wife, based on Meg Wolitzer’s 2003 book, about the unequal marriage between a writer and…
A group of female acquaintances were chatting about this and that, and the conversation veered—as it does so often—to movies and Zero in particular, which all disliked not so much because Shah…
Politician Vasundhara Raje was recently fat shamed by a male politician who nastily commented, “And this Vasundhara, give her rest, she has become very tired… has become very fat… Earlier…